
1st Edition Soft Cover Book


Printed book is 8 ½ x 11″

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Book Synopsis

This book is the first of its kind to describe and explain the practical understanding of the unnatural postures and movements people develop secondary to neurodegenerative disorders. In addition, this book explains how the afflicted person can improve on and/or correct many of their unnatural postures and movements, using nothing more than the natural basic understanding of our practical movements.

Thus, on a practical “how do we use it” level, the mechanics of our natural movement ability is explained, to enable the understanding of how unnatural movement inability, or disability, is created – and corrected.

This is monumental in that it is demonstrates these acquired unnatural postures and movements are not solely a manifestation of the disorder, as is the current understanding. In addition, this information opens a new paradigm into the approach of productive physical therapy for these individuals, where currently there is little to none.

Instead of surrendering to the progressive degenerative effects of his disorder, spinocerebellar atrophy, as the medical understanding said was inevitable, Dr. Clouse rejected his colleagues’ advice. Then, living with the effects of the disorder and discovering how he was able to substantially correct his movements and speech, he did improve where experts in the field had stated he could not.

Through only his personal efforts and determination, Dr. Clouse worked on how to improve his
movements, and succeeded to such an extent that he regained and has retained his ability to function in a near-normal capacity. As a result, he has traveled extensively throughout the United States and internationally, working with other movement-impaired people to help them improve. His discoveries and techniques fill the pages of this book, and the companion videos on this website.


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